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Sunday 17th March 2024
 08:42 BST

  The weather forecast made it seem like yesterday would only be an averagely "OK" day, but it was actually a rather good day. The sunny spells, some of which were long enough to be called "sunny" seemed to go on and on. I seemed comfortable with no heating on until 6pm. The afternoon temperature almost touched 16° C - rather higher than the prediction of maybe just 13° C. Light rain was forecast for some hours from late afternoon, but I don't remember noticing any before it was too dark outside to bother looking out.
definitely a wet
  It is most definitely wet this morning, and I can see light rain disturbing the puddles even as I type this. The latest revision shows that strange icon of sun, white clouds, and this time two drops of rain to signify heavy rain. The icon for 10am is the more conventional grey cloud with two drops of rain, aka heavy rain. It seems unlikely, but 11am could see the last rain today, and 4 and 5pm could see sunny spells. The other hours will feature white cloud. The temperature forecast for 16° C in the early forecast, as per the screenshot above, has now been reduced to 15° C, which is still rather good. Tomorrow might possibly see 16° C, and the middle of the day may see sunny spells, but much of the day will be cloudy. The BBC says the day could start misty !

   Yesterday was one of those funny days when what should have been good, was not good....which might take some explaining. The day got off to a good start when, after washing my hair, and showering (for the first time in 48 hours !), I got dressed, and went shopping in just my shirt sleeves.

  The weather was definitely warmer than the 13° C forecast, and bright sunshine made it feel warmer still, plus the breeze was light enough not to chill. Wearing just a short sleeved t-shirt felt good when I walked to and from Savers and Poundstretcher. In Savers I bought 3 bottles of toilet cleaning gel stuff, and a bottle of bleach. I also finally remembered to get a couple of bottles of washing up liquid.

  It is a bit unusual, but I also bought some food from Savers. I noticed, and bought, two packs of cheese flavoured rice crackers, and one packet of "Sweet Chilli" flavoured rice crackers. I seem to be eating far less rice crackers recently, but it is always good to have packets for when the desire for them comes back. After Savers it was across the way to have the usual rummage around Poundstretcher.

  One thing I hoped to get in Poundstretcher was some peanuts. I keep seeming to forget to get them when in Tesco. Sadly (or maybe it might have been a good thing) I couldn't find any in Poundstretcher. What I did find was some peanut flavoured corn puffs. I also bought some "Mexican salsa" flavoured oat based crisp like things. I have yet to try them, and have no idea what they are really like. One "naughty" purchase was a 6 pack of crisps.

  Other foodstuffs from Poundstretcher were some new (to me) instant noodles. One was a big tub, and I had it as part of my breakfast this morning, and it tasted like cardboard. I'm glad I only bought one, but I did buy 4 small tubs/mugs of spicy beef flavour, and the one I also had for breakfast tasted odd, but quite nice. The final food was another three packets of three bitter orange flavoured dark chocolate biscuits - very tasty, and very low sugar.

  The walk back home, with all my shopping, was rather pleasant, and also rather warm. I can't quite remember what time I went out, but I think it was around 11.30am, and I turned the heater off maybe 15 or 20 minutes before I went out. When I got home I felt very slightly damp, and when I went up to my bedroom it felt very warm, and for a while I did have a sheen of sweat on my forehead. I didn't feel the need to put the heater on until gone 6pm, and even then it was on low, and occasionally off until I went to bed.

  I think I might have written yesterday morning that I ought to see if I could reduce my sugar consumption enough to get even better blood glucose readings. If I didn't say it, it was what I was thinking. The reality was just the opposite. I munched through the whole bag of peanut flavoured corn puffs. They were fairly low sugar, but a whole bag might have been pushing it a bit. I also had a wafer thing that seemed very sweet.

  Two things were working on my mind at that time. I was sort of annoyed that I had busted the idea of watching my diet already. The other was that I was feeling saddened, or depressed, or just negative that the sunny spells would soon be over. The combined onslaught made me feel depressed enough to make matter worse by eating even more crap food.  It was probably getting on for 3pm when I had a big "snack" of the two Tesco ham and cheese, pasty-like, slices. This time I gave them 2 minutes in the microwave. I think they tasted better when cold and greasy.

   I felt very unrelaxed in the afternoon, and mildly depressed, if indeed depressed is the word I am looking for. I found it hard to concentrate on anything. It took a lot of will power to finish washing some laundry I had left soaking in detergent after my shower. It was only two t-shirts and four pairs of underpants, and was quick and easy enough once I got started. It was after that when I "rewarded" myself with the ham and cheese slices mentioned above.

  Apart from two small bags of crisps, I don't think I ate any more until I had my dinner. Dinner was a sort of Chinese flavoured pork stew with a heap of beansprouts. At least that as a nice safe meal, but it also included two of those dark chocolate, bitter orange biscuit things. My entertainment for the evening was back to back episodes of The Avengers on the Great TV! channel.

  The last episode finished at 9pm, and I went straight to bed (after brushing my teeth), and read for 20 to 30 minutes. I had taken the precaution of taking a couple of Paracetamol tablets again to help stay more comfortable in bed, and while I slept. Evidently it worked well because I seemed to sleep solidly enough (albeit waking up briefly a couple of times) to get enough sleep to make my body think it was time to get up at 4.30am. I forced myself back to sleep twice more, but the second time was only for about 10 minutes, and then I got up at about 6.40am.

  It was almost another night of forgotten dreams, but one dream lodged a few bits of memory in my dream - probably because it was not a nice dream. I dreamed I was working again, and although it seemed to be set in something like a telephone exchange, I don't recall any equipment. What I do remember was that someone was off on a months holiday, I had been temporary promoted to public relations.

  Not only don't I really like the untamed public, but I had no idea what the job entailed. I found it meant going around a couple of local estates, but I had no idea what I was supposed to do there, and I was not keen on those neighbourhoods. I seem to remember asking loads of people what the job was, and everybody I spoke to said they had no idea what the person on holiday did. In the end I decided the best thing to do was to essentially skive - go out for pleasant walks in the sunshine, get some exercise, and get paid for it.

  I did have another dream that I am wracking my brains to remember some details about. I know I was in a hospital, and it seemed like I might work there as a technician. I was walking down a corridor when my progress was blocked by two people pushing a machine on a trolley. I knew what the machine was, but I had no name for it. One of the people asked why I was adding so many flashing multicoloured lights to it when all it needed was two switches. I replied it was because I was a SciFi fan, and all machines should have flashing lights ! All the fine details of this dream have faded like smoke.

  After getting up came the big reckoning. Would my careless eating do worse than put on weight ? The answer seemed to be no ! When I checked my blood glucose I got three cherries ! The Contour meter read a very nice 7.3mmol/l. The GlucoRX meter read 7.5mmol/l, and the Sinocare meter read, typically the highest, at 7.8mmol/l. I regard three sevens in a row as very good. One day I hope to get three sixes, and I am almost getting close, but I feel it will need some warm sunny days, and some good exercise.

  There are no trains on the Hayes line today, and so Jodie has decided to skip coming over this Sunday. I can't say I blame her. At the moment it is definitely not outdoor weather. It is cold, grey and wet. Maybe the 4pm sunny spells, and 15° C will happen, but the very sight of what I can see from my window makes me want to go back into hibernation again. I think today I out to try and dedicate at least a couple of hours of video editing some of my off air, TV recordings. Maybe I can have a snooze or two. Ideally I shall sleep through lunchtime, and eat no more until dinnertime......well, we can all dream, can't we ?
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